Events & Shows

Chapter - I

Taj Event - Company Launch

The Grand celebration of our company launch was held at the prestigious Taj Hotels. This momentous occasion brought together around 500 esteemed guests, each personally invited with customized invitations tailored to their individual preferences. Over the course of two memorable days, we had the privilege of hosting an incredible turnout, with approximately 250-300 guests gracing the event with their presence. It was an extraordinary experience filled with joy, networking opportunities, and the opportunity to introduce our brand to a select group of influential individuals. We are grateful for the overwhelming support and are excited to share the highlights of this remarkable event with you.

Chapter - II

Boutique Launch

The highly anticipated launch of our boutique was an extraordinary three-day affair that brought together renowned celebrities, esteemed guests, and jewelry enthusiasts.

On the first day, we had the honor of hosting the talented Susanne Khan, who graced the event with her presence, adding an extra touch of glamour and sophistication. The atmosphere was filled with excitement as guests admired our meticulously curated collection and experienced the elegance of our boutique.

The highlight of the event was the presence of the esteemed Esha Deol on the third day. Her radiant charm and grace added a touch of star power to the occasion, captivating everyone in attendance. With an overwhelming footfall of 500-600 people, the boutique launch was a resounding success, creating a buzz in the industry and beyond. We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm shown by all who attended, and we invite you to relive the moments of this remarkable event through our curated highlights.